Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nicolas Delavy

Nicolas it’s a graphic designer and an awesome photographer. Different from the retro movements, he and the company that he works, goes to a completely opposite path. But for some reason, his photos look very artistic. He will present some sick photos on the art show in Santos, and will be a great pleasure to be involved with such a very artistic, funny and inspired dude. Here we go Argentinean boy...
What’s you name and where are you from?
I'm Nicolas Delavy; I'm from Argentina, living in Brazil since 1988.

When did you find out that you would be an artist?
I’m still working on it...

What do you want to show to people when you do your art?
The obscure scene of underground surfing.

What’s surf for you?
I suck on it!

Can you tell us some highlights in your career?
Since I was kidnapped by Weird Clothing co, my career has being a mystery.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Brasil?
Buenos Aires.

How do you feel to be part of an art show over here in Santos city?
Weird and dislocated.

Some words to the people that will see your work in Brasil...
This doesn't make me more special than you, we are all opportunist!


Amanda Prussak said...

He is a Weird dude!

melina said...

hola nico como estas??soy melina la nieta de tula(apostoles,misiones) amiga de tu mama, no se si te acordas de miiiii pero yo fui con mis papas y mi hermano de chica a tu casa en en bs as...espero q te llegue mi mensaje.cariños

melina said...

ahhh te dejo mi