Luiz Blanco is one of the best surf photographers from Brasil right now… His work is very artistic and brings the best of surf performance, mixed with the mood that make us want to go surf… Below some deep words from Luiz, and above a little example of what this guy can do….
What's you name and where are you from?
Luiz Blanco, Rio de Janeiro.
When did you find out that you would be an artist?
For real was never a moment that this happens, the things flow on a way that my ideas and works got to a subjective way. I was always against the stuff that was being copied on the market, and my goal was to make a different type of photography, and in this way I got closer to the art and not only photojournalism. It’s funny; because the photojournalism started closer to the art and after sometime turned to be a crazy money race like it’s is today, of course with exceptions.
What do you want to show to people when you do your art?
Depends. I try to show a different look, that represents something more. The beach it’s not only the wave, or the surfer doing a trick. If you know how to use other elements you can create a narrative that tells not only the moment, but a place. It’s more complete in my opinion. My photos are open to another interpretation, and not only my. A lot of times a friend tells me something from my photo that I never saw… some detail, or point of view. And I think this is the nicest thing about art, because its always open to different interpretations, and it’s no right and wrong. Unfortunately it’s a lot of lack of interest, from a public that were conditioned to see things ready.
What's surf for you?
Surf is another form of expression and gives me the return/pleasure almost instant. It’s another feelings other than art. It’s faster. It’s good to speed up your life sometimes.
Can you tell us some highlights in your carrier?
Did an article to Transworld Surf magazine, two covers on Fluir magazine, and I’m at the Blackwater magazine since the first issue.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word Brasil?
More I travel, more I see how Brasil it’s late in everything. The culture here it’s almost none and not talking about education. In the other side, much more I travel, more I miss home, so it’s impossible to say that I don’t like Brasil.
How do you feel to be part of an art show over here in Santos city?
I see that are people that give value to art surf in Brasil, and I’m happy about this.
Some words to the people that will see your work in Brasil...
Not only see with your eyes.
What's you name and where are you from?
Luiz Blanco, Rio de Janeiro.
When did you find out that you would be an artist?
For real was never a moment that this happens, the things flow on a way that my ideas and works got to a subjective way. I was always against the stuff that was being copied on the market, and my goal was to make a different type of photography, and in this way I got closer to the art and not only photojournalism. It’s funny; because the photojournalism started closer to the art and after sometime turned to be a crazy money race like it’s is today, of course with exceptions.
What do you want to show to people when you do your art?
Depends. I try to show a different look, that represents something more. The beach it’s not only the wave, or the surfer doing a trick. If you know how to use other elements you can create a narrative that tells not only the moment, but a place. It’s more complete in my opinion. My photos are open to another interpretation, and not only my. A lot of times a friend tells me something from my photo that I never saw… some detail, or point of view. And I think this is the nicest thing about art, because its always open to different interpretations, and it’s no right and wrong. Unfortunately it’s a lot of lack of interest, from a public that were conditioned to see things ready.
What's surf for you?
Surf is another form of expression and gives me the return/pleasure almost instant. It’s another feelings other than art. It’s faster. It’s good to speed up your life sometimes.
Can you tell us some highlights in your carrier?
Did an article to Transworld Surf magazine, two covers on Fluir magazine, and I’m at the Blackwater magazine since the first issue.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word Brasil?
More I travel, more I see how Brasil it’s late in everything. The culture here it’s almost none and not talking about education. In the other side, much more I travel, more I miss home, so it’s impossible to say that I don’t like Brasil.
How do you feel to be part of an art show over here in Santos city?
I see that are people that give value to art surf in Brasil, and I’m happy about this.
Some words to the people that will see your work in Brasil...
Not only see with your eyes.